This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by admin.

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  • #13430

    This issue just started happening. It might have been when Live updated to 10.1, but I’m not sure.

    When I record my first loop in new session mode, it plays back at a super slow bpm/pitch. What’s weird is that the correct BPM is calculated/displayed. While the loop is playing if I change the looper’s tempo control to “none”, the loop starts playing back as I recorded it.

    I already tried reflashing the firmware, loading the default config, and using the default looper live session.

    Is there some setting in Live that I might have wrong?

    Thanks again!


    Spent some time troubleshooting. When this issue does happen, the speed on the looper device displays 0.0, and when increase the speed one notch to 12.0, it runs it regular time.

    What’s really weird is that after I start switching tracks (all DL#) and using new session mode on them, the problem goes away entirely for all tracks. I can’t seem to consistently recreate the problem, but I’ll keep messing with it.


    DataLooper has to independently calculate tempo during new session mode. In most circumstances, the calculation agrees with Abletons calculation, but every once in a while, seemingly at bpms below 80 or above 130, Ableton decides the tempo is double or half of DataLooper. When this occurs, the pitch will be off by an octave. If you see this occur again, can you note the tempo calculated on Live and the tempo noted in the Looper device? I will try to reproduce and see if I can further match Abletons algorithm.


    You’re right, its down an octave and half-time.

    Looper bpm = 135.34
    Global bpm = 67.59


    Ok I’m working on an algorithm fix and will post here when I get this worked out.


    Hi guys, I’ve uploaded a new beta version that you can see on the resources page that has a tweaked algorithm. I can’t get it to pitch shift in Live 10.1. Let me know if you can break it!


    It’s working perfectly for me now with the new beta. Tried all the riffs that were causing it before and none of them pitch shift now.
    Thanks for taking the time to fix this!


    i have the same issue, but the beta didn’t fix it


    I’m releasing a new beta that re-works the way new session mode works; v 1.2 please try that out and let me know if your problems persist.

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