This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by admin.

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  • #13277

    Is there a way to have multiple loopers for the same audio signal?

    I’m picturing two solutions:

    1. Multiple loopers on the same DL#1 channel
    2. DL#1 as the first loop, and DL#2 will shut off DL#1 as it starts playing the second loop

    The goal is for an acoustic guitarist to be able to record a Verse, then a Chorus, then swap between those loops.
    The first loop will need to turn off when the second loop starts, and vice-versa.

    I got the idea from this video:



    I think you can do this. So here’s how it would work. DL#2’s record button just needs to be re-mapped to DL#1’s stop button, and DL#1’s record button needs to be mapped to DL#2’s stop button. Make sure the transport is stopped when you’re remapping. Clever little thing!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by admin.

    Very cool!! Thanks!

    You can’t program two different buttons to the Stop function can you? Basically I’m thinking about losing the Stop functionality from the second column of buttons.

    Any thoughts on a creative use for the second column of Stop buttons on the DL that we wouldn’t be using in the scenario?



    Yes, you can program multiple buttons to send the stop function. Check out the config software and load up the default config to see exactly what’s going on.


    I can’t get one button press to stop multiple loopers (not all, but 2, or a few loopers?).

    That way when I hit record with Looper 1, it can stop Loopers 2 and 3, allowing 4-9 to keep going for instance.

    Adding a comma between the Loper number field entry wouldn’t work would it?

    Looper Number (0 for All): 1, 3

    Really enjoying finally diving into the config page. Very cool stuff here.



    Hi, I’ve Been trying this out but on preset 4 and as a stand alone midi controller, but every time I get two loops going when I hit back to loop 1 it gets deleted after 1 second or so, I’ve tested same idea with the Akia MPD218 and works fine, any idea what could be going on?


    Hmm is there a clear command mapped to the DataLooper button that you’re hitting?


    The commands I’ve set are on preset 4, just two switches, Button #8 and Button #9. To both I’ve assigned the command: Control Change Toggle, one with CC#1 and other CC#2, then I’ve Midi mapped them in Ableton like the video above says, sometimes the switches are not triggering, but then another time it will trigger and start record but again once you have 2 loops going when you return to the 1st loop it just deletes it.


    Ah I see, I would recommend mapping this slightly different. I’m going to try to shoot a video about how to do this either today or tomorrow.


    That’s great Vince! look forward to seeing it, cheers.


    Files in resources page. Hopefully that helps!

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