
Hi guys, it sounds like maybe there are a few things going on. 1. Currently, there’s no way to read current presets; the config software is one way, from Chrome to the pedal. 2. It sounds like there’s some issue flashing configs if it’s hanging on red lights; the expected behavior is that the lights all turn red while flashing, then turn green. I’ve just updated the default config file; try uploading the new one (on the resource page) and see if you still get that issue. Regarding not being able to log in, are you visiting this page? (https://www.datalooperpedal.com/config/).

There are some issues with backwards compatibility on the config software that are real tricky to pin down, but everything should work with the latest config files. If you still have issues, feel free to email me directly at info@datalooperpedal.com.


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