 duarte pereira

hello Vince,

I’m trying to grasp the potential of what the DataLooper can do.
I’m not new to these languages..but i am new to Ableton, ..so bare with me :

One of the pedal’s limitations, imo..is only featuring 9 switches (3 patches).
That will make one have to surrender a couple of footswitches, if one wants to control other things, within the DAW platform.
Button #0 config..sort of deals with this, right ..allowing us different commands, by way of different inputs.. correct ?

If i want to control
a) – some of the transport (i’ve seen you answer this on another thread.. i just dont know which one) inputs.. ;
b) – trigger a few effects through MIDI (eg. guitar amps&fx on the iPad, or Ableton)
c) – and still maintain most of the Looping features

i will have to make use of the 40 patches, right ?
So i would probably assign :
a) to patch 4 to 6
b) to patch 7 to 9
c) to patch 1 to 3

Is my line of thinking logical…. or am i completely out of wack, here ?

Thanks very much

PS: I want a pedal that will allow me to NOT look at the PC screen as much as possbile, and never have to touch the mouse..
So ..jumping&toggling between clips…scenes… recording those.. Transport playback.. Transport STOP, toggling between tracks..arming tracks..

PSS: a very basic one :
which switches toggle between banks/patches?
Lets say.. i wanna jump from bank #1 (1 to 3) to bank #5 (13 to 15).. Where do i step on ?


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