
Also, regarding the recall of the CCs for ‘stompbox’ memory. Make sure you have the DataLooper script selected in Control Surface, then select DataLooper for Input/Output. The script needs to be running as it sends a request to the Ableton system to spit out the value of mapped parameters when it sends a preset change. To check if this is working, you can use this program (https://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/) and watch for output to the DataLooper when you initially open your session. If you don’t see your mapped parameter values being sent out, then there’s a configuration issue in the MIDI/sync prefs. If you do see the values being sent out on initial load, but not on presets, and have the script running and connected to the DL, something else is going on and I’d be happy to look in to it via a screen share.


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