
Hi guys. Michael and I just spoke and it turned out that the MicroUSB connector inside the unit had wiggled loose during shipping. Each DataLooper has a USB B female -> MicroUSB male cable inside the enclosure. This cable was added to provide an easy way to fix a unit in the event of someone damaging the USB B connection (beer, yanking crazy hard, etc..). If you can’t get the unit to show up on your computer; it’s worthwhile to open up the back of the DataLooper and unplug/replug that MicroUSB connector. Just for kicks, here’s a list of all the diagnostic steps that can be taken to revive an unresponsive DataLooper:

  1. Make sure you are using the cord that came with the DataLooper
  2. Make sure the cord is plugged directly into a USB port on the computer
  3. If the DataLooper does not show up in Input/Output, open up TyUpdater (https://github.com/Koromix/tytools/releases); if TyUpdater’s dropdown menu is empty, this means the DataLooper is not being seen at all by the computer.
    Unplug DataLooper, remove the screws from the back plate on the DataLooper and unplug/replug the microUSB connector cable.
    Replug-in DataLooper and test again. If it’s still not showing up, the last thing we can try is a hardware reset.
  4. With DataLooper plugged in and the back plate off, locate the two angled solder points labeled PGM1.
    Using a conductive piece of metal (a key or a screwdriver that doesn’t have a coating on it), bridge those two points for 5 seconds, then remove the piece of metal.
  5. Open up TyUpdater; a device name should show in the dropdown;
    If the device shows up as ‘DataLooper’, test in Ableton. If the device shows up in Ableton but is experiencing issues, reflash the firmware, using TyUpdater and the firmware @ https://www.datalooperpedal.com/resources
  6. If no device name shows up in TyUpdater, there’s one very last thing we can try.
    Download and install the Arduino IDE and Teensy IDE using this link. Follow the instructions in this link: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html
    Open up the Arduino IDE and go to Tools->Board and select Teensy LC, then go to Tools->Port. With DataLooper plugged in, you should see something that looks like “/dev/cu.usbmodemxxxx”. If you do not see this, try jumping that same connection point indicated in the image again and then checking in the Tools->Port area to see if that “/dev/cu.usbmodemxxxx” connection shows up. If you cannot get it to show up, there is most likely a short in the circuit board and it will need to be sent in for repair or replacement. If it does show up, close the Arduino IDE and reflash the default firmware using the TyUpdater tool.
  • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by admin.


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