 Trey Gunn

Just tried it again, starting from scratch with the default config.
Same thing.
I’m only changing the Looper Control 2 to a long press = long fade clear for the 2nd row of buttons
I did this for all 9 loopers and sent to the pedal.

All functions work great except that one. It does stop the Looper, but then it only reduces the gain down 1.20db and doesn’t clear.

Ran a second test by only modifying Loopers 1-6 to function as long fade clear, and left Loopers 7-9 as clear immediately.

7-9 worked as they should — clearing immediately
1-6 still didn’t get but reduced gain by 1.20db.

Also, I can do a second and third long press and keep reducing the gain a further 1.20db with each long press.

Any other ideas? Would this have any connection to my up left LED not having the red light function? Seems unlikely, but just throwing it out there.
Otherwise, the unit works flawlessly.

many thanks,



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